We are preparing for auditions this March 2024!! Dates and times will be posted soon. We want to give everyone a chance to start preparing. We are looking for kids ages 2 – 17 and young adults 18 – 22!!! There are new characters with tons of fun! Here is some info so you can start preparing…NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY! ALL AGES 2 to 22 are welcome to audition! 🙂 dates for auditions and rehearsals coming soon! Note▪︎▪︎(your picture will be taken by phone at the audition to go with your audition form)
A. (6 to 22 years old) You will read from the script.
B. (6 to 22 years old) You will need to prepare a song of at least 60 seconds (any song from a musical only) you can sing Accapella or Use the music from a phone)
C. (6 to 22 years old) We may ask you to sing tomorrow or hard knock life or i don’t need anything but you from annie. Please be prepared just incase. Or you can sing one of these 3 songs as your audition song.
D. (4 – 5 years old) you may sing a nursery rhyme or anything that is a child song like Abc’s But mostly we want to meet you and talk with you.
E. (2 – 3 years old) we just want to meet you and talk to you. If you know a song you may sing it..otherwise just come in and say hi 🙂
F. You will be taught a small dance..no worries you do not have to be experienced..we invite all ages 2 – 22 years. We are here to help
G. Just come and be yourself and have fun.