Letter From the Editor

Letter From the Editor

A nurse walked down the hallway his mother walked decades before he did. Beep … beep … he could hear the sounds from patients’ rooms. He kept a small keepsake pinned to his scrubs, a pin his mother gave him when he graduated nursing school. She had once worn the same...
Deanna Snell: Seeing Life Through a Different Lens

Deanna Snell: Seeing Life Through a Different Lens

“CHEESE!” The photographer’s voice resounded in the studio, but the young boy standing in front of the camera didn’t move. His eyes were wide and apprehensive. He darted around the room, avoiding the lens that seemed too intrusive for his comfort. His parents shared...
Dr. Amy Rudder: Aligning Health and Wellness

Dr. Amy Rudder: Aligning Health and Wellness

The body has its own language and innate wisdom that orchestrates every heartbeat, breath, and motion without conscious effort. Yet, with its persistent demands and often sedentary routines, the signals within that communication system can easily become tangled in the...
Jake Beard: A Love That Listens

Jake Beard: A Love That Listens

Many families gathered to cheer on their children as the Friday night lights flickered to life, illuminating the football field. Jake Beard proudly stood in the stands and witnessed his students’ athletic feats with a smile. Overwhelmed by the game’s...