Maegan Hance: Pouring Out Kiwanis Love

Maegan Hance: Pouring Out Kiwanis Love

What does it mean to love? Is it the emotional highs and lows of a crush? The deep affection shared between a husband and wife? The unconditional care for a child? Or perhaps a devotion rooted in faith? For Maegan Hance, love takes many forms. As a dedicated mother...
Dr. Angie Harlan: Looking To The End

Dr. Angie Harlan: Looking To The End

ANGIE HARLAN wanted to quit. The physical, emotional, and mental toil ate at her like mosquitoes in a hot, humid Amazon rainforest. She had been pursuing a bachelor’s degree in nursing school for a couple of years and recently married her husband, Brad. Harlan did not...
A Journey From Hunger to Harvest

A Journey From Hunger to Harvest

MICHELLE HOWELL grew up hungry as a child — not figuratively, but literally. Her single mother could not drive, meaning they sometimes had no transportation to run to the grocery store or purchase water-fresh food while living in San Diego, California. After living...
Volunteering for Life

Volunteering for Life

ELISABETH KUBLER-ROSS once said, “As far as service goes, it can take the form of a million things. To do service, you don’t have to be a doctor working in the slums for free or become a social worker. Your position in life and what you do doesn’t matter as much as...