by Dave Lenehan | Nov 8, 2024 | Stories
CAN COMIC books communicate history? For lifelong friends Stan Webb and Dion Lee, the answer is definitely! Webb and Lee are Lynchburg natives who met in the third grade. Both entered an art contest at school, where Webb was well-known for his animation and graphics...
by Dave Lenehan | Nov 8, 2024 | Stories
YOU BELONG here. You are enough. Those words are not just positive, encouraging phrases. They are a small part of one Lynchburg resident’s mission to raise awareness of and point people to resources about mental health. Jessica Wells and her husband, Alex, met in the...
by Dave Lenehan | Nov 8, 2024 | Stories
IT’S A beautiful sunny day. You and your family and friends are spending the day at the lake. The kids are playing in the water while most of the adults lounge on beach towels, soaking up the sun. You turn your head just for a few moments to answer someone’s question....
by Dave Lenehan | Oct 19, 2024 | Stories
WHEN YOU pull into the parking lot of the CraveABLEs ice cream shop on Route 221 in Lynchburg, you’ll instantly notice two things. First, your eyes will be drawn to the ocean-like baby blue paint adoring the entire building. Secondly, you’ll notice that four letters...
by Dave Lenehan | Oct 19, 2024 | Stories
BEST FRIENDS Patrick Gray and Justin Skeesuck from Eagle, Idaho, were searching for adventure. Skeesuck, a wheelchair user, asked Gray one day if he would hike 500 miles of northern Spain with him. Gray simply answered, “Yeah, I’ll push you. Their first hike started...