Wartrace’s Annual Horse Show

Wartrace’s Annual Horse Show

CASCADE HIGH School’s annual Wartrace Horse Show fundraiser, hosted on August 6, 2022, was a success. The show is special every year, but one thing that makes it incredibly unique this year is that it was the show’s 116th anniversary. Cascade High School’s football...
Wartrace’s Annual Horse Show

History in the making

YOU’RE RUNNING down the court as fans cheer in the stands, your teammate makes a pass as you enter inside the paint, and swish, the team’s leading scorer makes a layup, and that’s game. Siblings, parents, friends, and peers fill the gym with whistles and cheers. Your...
You did what? A baby and a business are born.

You did what? A baby and a business are born.

“IT WAS the best of times; it was the worst of times. Nothing is more simultaneously joyful and stressful than the birth of your first child unless it’s starting your own business on the same day. In 1972, Eddie Redd asked for the day off from his Nashville job as an...