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Cedar City CrossFit Brings Together Fitness and Community

by | Apr 2024

COMMUNITIES ARE wonderful things. They are comprised of people with various backgrounds, ages, ethnicities, and beliefs. They offer support, celebrate achievements, and lend a helping hand during challenging times. It’s where friendships blossom, traditions are upheld, and cultural diversity thrives. Communities provide a sense of identity and purpose, whether it’s a local sports team, an online forum, or a local gym. 

Even in her youth, Cheyenne Christian knew the importance and blessing of such a community. She found it at her local gym. And through that community, she flourished and grew as a human and young woman. Today, along with her husband, Hunter, she is passing that gift of community on to Cedar City CrossFit members and the Lebanon community. 

Since she was a young and energetic teenager, Cheyenne knew she wanted to join the fitness community. 

“I started coaching martial arts at a young age, probably about 15 years old,” she said. “I would pick up a few classes here and there and help with our kids martial arts classes. From there, it grew.” 

Cheyenne explained that she then became involved with teaching CrossFit to the kids at the gym. After deciding to stay close and attend college locally, she received an L-1 CrossFit certification while in college. The certification would allow her to teach CrossFit classes. She added that being in the gym since she was a teen had created a sense of community that she wanted to continue to grow upon as an adult. 

“I was homeschooled, and I came to the gym every day,” Cheyenne added. “The people at the gym were my people, and it was my favorite place to be. I loved the community and what it did for me as I grew up. Even as I have become an adult, got married, and now have a child of my own, it’s still the best community. The people here love each other, push each other to be better, and hold each other accountable. I just love the whole aspect of the community that CrossFit brings.” 

Cheyenne’s husband, Hunter, is joining her on this journey. Hunter said he became involved with CrossFit as a University of Tennessee at Knoxville student. He fell in love with the fitness regime and said it was a great way to combine two things he loved. 

“I’m a super competitive person,” he explained. “I fell in love with fitness during college, and when I was introduced to CrossFit, it was a way to combine my love for sport and fitness. One thing about CrossFit is that everybody is doing the same workout. Each person is pushing each other and trying to beat the guy beside you. I just love the competitive nature. The community of CrossFit is also unmatched. Everybody’s wanting to push each other, challenge each other, and sharpen each other.” 

Getting into the businessIn 2023, Cheyenne made a life-long dream of hers come true. She and Hunter became the proud owners of the Cedar City CrossFit. 

“It was always the plan,” she said. “Since I was young, I’ve wanted to own either this gym or another gym. When they approached us early last year, there was a moment when we were hesitant. But we were also excited. It was kind of unexpected at first, but then it fell into place and has worked out great.” 

While in a full-time position, Hunter said everything has worked out for the best. “I’m in full-time ministry at the Journey Church,” he explained. “While we’d always had a goal of owning a gym, I didn’t think it was feasible when I went into full-time ministry two and a half years ago. However, when the previous owners approached us at the beginning of last year, we decided that it was something that we could take on and both grow and be successful with. The previous owners were great to us and wanted us to take it over. It has been a smooth and successful transition.” 

Balancing and growing Hunter added that it has been a balancing act as a new business owner, having a young child, and a spouse with a full-time job. 

“We make decisions together and decide what’s best for the gym,” he said. “Cheyenne is the day-to-day person at the gym, coaching most classes. I coach a few in the afternoons. Outside of that, we are doing all the back-end stuff and decision-making together. So, it’s been really good.”

Cheyenne also gives credit to her staff, who help make the gym the success it continues to be. 

“Absolutely none of it would be possible without our team of coaches we have,” she said. As someone who grew up in the gym community, Cheyenne hopes Cedar City CrossFit can provide that same sense of community and family that allowed her to grow, flourish, and achieve her dreams. 

“I want it to be a place where we can raise our family and grow together with everyone who is a part of this gym,” she said. “It’s been special to see just how involved we can be in others’ lives. There are so many different lives that we get to be a part of that are family to us. We hope to see that only continue to grow as we move forward into the future.” GN 

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