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The Anything & More Store: Kristyn Goodman Uses Her Business to Support Nonprofits

by | Apr 2024

ENTREPRENEURS MAY start their own businesses for many reasons, such as to be their own boss, to make more money, or to have a more flexible career. When Kristyn Goodman decided to start her business, she thought not of making money but of sharing it. The Anything & More Store is a liquidation and closeout store that offers affordable prices on household items and decor. The store also offers a chance to give back, as Goodman gives a portion of her profits to a different charitable organization nearly every month.

“I know Lynchburg loves a good deal. I think there’s many people around the area that need a good deal,” Goodman said. “I also thought, ‘This is my way of giving back to the community — not just with cheap prices on really nice merchandise.’”

Inspired by another business owner moving out of town, Goodman opened The Anything & More Store in March 2023. As a thrift store shopper, Goodman knew this business was right up her alley. Much of her stock comes from stores like Target and Dollar General, allowing her to have a wide variety of houseware, paper goods, over-the-counter medicine, and cleaning supplies. Goodman said she has enjoyed the variety of people that come into her shop, and she hopes each person feels like their experience was a breath of fresh air.

“It’s been amazing,” Goodman expressed. “We have a huge clientele. We have some people that are home stagers. We have some that are just looking to buy diapers at a discount. So there’s a wide variety of people that come shop, and I just love interacting with every one of them.”

Not long after the store found its feet, Goodman started looking for nonprofits to partner with. The first candidate, Love Heals, was chosen because one of Goodman’s employees was a partner in the organization.

“I figured that would be a good one to get started with and figure out how to do paperwork with,” Goodman said.

It may not seem complicated to outsiders, but Goodman does more than just drop off money at the end of every month. She creates a contract with each organization so it can advertise the partnership and maximize its profits. The community will have a vote in who she supports as well, as Goodman said she hopes her shoppers will eventually give her ideas for nonprofits to support or causes to help with.

Aside from Love Heals, Goodman has worked with the Agape Center and CASA, as well as organizations like the Lynchburg Business Alliance and the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. Goodman has also worked with nonprofits on getting more affordable prices, as she did for Solid Rock Redemption Church’s toy drive. She has planned to partner with HumanKind for the month of May. 

For a store that has been open barely a year, The Anything & More Store has already made a large impact in Lynchburg. In January, Goodman had already donated approximately $1,300 in monetary donations and around $3,500 in products like food and clothing.

“I don’t do this for the money. I do this because I’m having fun, and I’m enjoying it, and it’s a challenge,” Goodman said. “I feel like I’ve been blessed with everything that I have, and I know there’s so many people in our local community or nationwide that need not just a handout, but just help. And hopefully, the little bit of help that I can give them makes somebody’s Christmas a happier Christmas, or helps an underprivileged child go to preschool, or whatever their niche is in the community.”

The ability to give back is a big benefit of supporting small businesses, and Goodman said she appreciates everyone who comes in to visit her store, helping her continue supporting the community. GN 

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