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Kat Coffey: Coffey, Community, and Calling

by | Dec 2024

At first glance, it’s a small coffee shop in a revitalized rural community, its tall glass windows and stone foundation reminding you of a greenhouse. Flower-topped tables and conversation nooks invite a pause from the world outside, and the aroma of ground coffee beans and fresh baked goods envelops you. Sure, you can grab your latest favorite coffee and a scone and be on your way, but you might miss it. You might miss “the third place.” 

Kathleen “Kat” Coffey, owner of the Good Shepherd Coffee House on Petersburg’s square, explained. 

“I had a customer come in a few weeks ago and told me about a concept called ‘the third place.’ We each need three places in our lives: home, work, and then a third place for gathering, relaxing, exhaling, and refilling. After explaining the concept, she said, ‘This is my third place.’ It was the greatest compliment and my ultimate prayer for the shop.” 

Coffey, a Shelbyville native, understands our hurry and knows firsthand the benefits of slowing down, even if it’s just for a few minutes. She has an ingrained life of service inspired by her faith and the examples set by her family. 

“My family taught me about service from a young age — its importance, the blessings that come from it, and the long-lasting effects it can have on a community and individual people. From as far back as I can remember, my parents and grandparents were always very active in serving the community, so it came as a natural passion of mine, too,” Coffey shared. “I accepted Jesus when I was 14 on a mission trip in Pine Ridge, South Dakota. I met the Lord during a time of service, and I think He instilled service deep into my heart. I go where He leads me, and I am just lucky He has led me in a lot of different places.” 

But a life of service doesn’t always come with a road map. 

She said, “From the time I graduated college, I had been wandering into different passions and professions, attempting to find my purpose.” 

Coffey’s earliest college experience was at the University of Tennessee, where she was a Lady Volunteer basketball manager. Her time at Rocky Top sharpened her leadership skills, and she completed an entrepreneurship degree at Belmont University while working with various nonprofits. 

She co-founded Kagavu with Adam Feldbruegge, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that equips and educates people to live sustainable lives, providing basic necessities, education, and medical support in the Kagavu village in Uganda. 

An avid athlete, Coffey pursued endurance racing, competing in numerous 70.3 Ironman events and qualifying for the world championship in New Zealand. When an injury sidelined her athletic aspirations, she discovered a new calling. For over five years, Coffey has devoted herself to daily Bible study, sharing her insights through journaling, social media, podcasting, and now, a published book titled “The Word Account: A Poetic Devotion.” 

Throughout her diverse experiences, Coffey’s faith has continued to guide her to use her talents to uplift and inspire others. Most recently, she offers encouragement and rest to others at her Petersburg coffee shop. 

“Right before I opened Good Shepherd Coffee, I had been out West guiding hiking and biking trips, and when I came back home, I prayed that the Lord would give me a reason to stay in Petersburg. I drove through town and saw that the coffee shop was up for sale, so I spent the next month praying about it,” Coffey recalled. “I graduated with a degree in entrepreneurship and had worked in the food service industry since graduating, so I knew that it was something I was passionate about. I stepped out in faith, and the Lord opened every door.” 

But before He opened the coffee shop’s door, He closed others. 

“I would not be where I am today without my injury and my recovery period. It was over a year and a half of hardship and deep depression. I was so lost, but the Lord slowed me down and taught me so much during that time. I realized I was following my own pursuits without including Him in the process. He brought me home.” 

Her recovery time taught her the gifts to be found in slowing down, quickly connecting her to the idea of a “third place.” Where better to slow down than a coffee shop? It’s her latest mission field. 

Coffey said, “As dramatic as it might sound, making people coffee is a ministry. It’s an avenue to talk with people, serve them, and make them feel loved and cared for. I’ve made dear friends, prayed with hurting people, and hugged grieving parents. I enjoy being a familiar face that people feel like they can share their life with. It’s an honor.” 

At the heart of it all is community. 

“My ultimate prayer for Good Shepherd is that it would be a gathering place. I think the sky is the limit for events, gatherings, and community partnerships. I am here for whatever the town and people desire.” 

To others still searching for their purpose and passion, Coffey offers, “Look around and look within. Slow down, pay attention to your surroundings, and look at people as individual gifts from God. Then, look within and spend time with the Lord. Pursue your passions and use the unique gifts that He has given you. Don’t wait around for other people or for the right time; now is the right time, and you are the right person.” 

Stop by Good Shepherd Coffee House anytime. You’re welcome to make it your “third place.” GN 

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