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A birthday, fundraising, & hard work.

by | Aug 2022

THERE ARE times in life when we become so busy wrapped up in our own world, that we forget to look around or reach out. This could look like being consumed with our own problems, or on the opposite spectrum enjoying our own successes. It might look like a classic hustle and bustle patterned lifestyle that leaves no room for variances or interruptions. Some may call it that head down, focused, and living life with peripheral vision type grind. While this might be a great way to live life for a season of high pursuit, there is one local business owner who would implore you to look up more often.

Becky Robertson, one of Manchester’s Sonic managing partners, was in a head-down, self-focused season of life for quite some time. Robertson started as a carhop at Sonic 30 years ago, and like most young and hungry professionals she was focused on climbing up the corporate ladder and making a career for herself. In addition to her professional goals, Robertson eventually married her husband of 27 years, and together the two began dreaming about having children. Then, just as quickly as they dreamed, they realized they could not have children of their own and began navigating the heartbreak and struggle associated with that news. To say the least, Robertson was busy in her own world, and noone could blame her.

However, just shy of a decade ago Robertson and her husband began planning the next steps toward adopting children. Robertson shared, “When we decided to adopt, we began figuring out ways to fundraise and make money to help with that expense. The way people helped us really opened my eyes and made me realize I could help others too.” The Robertson’s own need opened their eyes to other people around them who might be in need as well. The Robertson’s need in essence opened their hearts.

Moving forward, Robertson became abnormally passionate about fundraising and giving. She began many fundraising efforts both in her personal life and within the business world. Robertson shared, “Twice a year, I try to do fundraising events for Gentle Hands Orphanage. Each year at Christmas we have a big candy and cookie bake and involve our entire family. Then, later on in the year we have a yard sale with a lemonade and barbecue stand. We donate the money we make to the orphanage. I want my kids to see how they can help by doing small things.

Most recently, Robertson hosted a special fundraising event on Sonic’s 30th birthday/anniversary. With balloons and banners hung all over the establishment, the celebration event took place on May 14, 2022, from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. The purpose of the day was to celebrate 30 years of business, remember the opening day on May 6, 1992, and act as a fundraiser for Coffee County Schools Family Resource Center. The resource center provides resources to students and families to decrease any barriers that may hinder students and maximize their potential learning capacity.

Robertson shared, “We wanted to do something special for the community, so we decided on doing something similar to things we have done in the past.” Robertson coordinated with Carrie Davis from the resource center. Together, the two ladies coordinated local teachers and administrators to come out and be the carhops for the day. Any tips they received, in addition to 10% of all sales were donated to Coffee County Schools Family Resource Center. After a short three hours, over $2,500 was raised and donated. Robertson says, “It’s not huge, but every little bit helps. People think you have to have a certain amount of money to give back. But really, you can always find ways if you open your heart and are willing to use what you have.” GN

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