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Brandon & Briley Phillips: Breaking the Mold

by | Jul 2024

BRILEY PHILLIP’S gaze lingered on the envelope, causing him to feel a mix of excitement and pride. The envelope was a tangible representation of his hard work and dedication to his growing business, Pristine Panes Window Care. As he tore open the seal, he couldn’t help but feel a flutter of anticipation in his stomach. This was not just any envelope — it was the first paycheck from his very own business.

Briley pulled out the deposit slip, and a single check sat inside. To him, it was a golden ticket. It validated all the hard work and risk-taking poured into building a business. A wide grin spread across his face, and he couldn’t resist glancing over at his dad, Brandon, who invested so much into him and his new venture. Briley knew his dad was proud of him. All the long afternoons they spent washing windows and hauling buckets of soapy water paid off. It was all worth it in the end.

At 14, most teenagers focus on the next viral TikTok video, weekend hangouts, and maybe their first summer job. But Briley craved financial independence — the kind that allowed him to control his own destiny. That’s how Pristine Panes, a window cleaning company co-founded by Briley and his father, Brandon Phillips, came to be. 

“It came up as an extra way for me to make some money. So, I figured that would be something to start with. Then it just kept growing,” Briley explained.

With Brandon’s help, Pristine Panes was born. The early days were a blur. Balancing the demands of school, football practice, and his newfound business responsibilities kept him on his toes.

“Weekdays are set aside for mainly schoolwork, football, and things of that nature. And then the weekends revolve around getting jobs done and personal time,” Briley explained. 

But then came the surprise: jobs started pouring in faster than anticipated. The first house they did had 32 windows! Over the last couple of months, they have expanded to commercial jobs.

“We’ve done a couple of commercial jobs in the first couple of months that we’ve started up. And actually, just this past weekend, we went up to the square in Manchester and have secured more local commercial jobs up there,” Brandon said.

Initially surprised by Briley’s business idea, Brandon quickly became his biggest supporter. 

“We picked him up from his grandmother’s house, and he randomly said, ‘I’ve got to make some money.’”

Brandon considered offering him the option of walking dogs around the neighborhood for extra cash, but Briley had something different in mind. 

“He said, ‘You know, I might just take a bucket and some supplies and just see if anyone needs their windows washed.’”

He continued, “I was shocked that a 14-year-old in this day and age wanted to get out and make money on his own and not accept a handout. It was a welcome shock. It really turned out to be a bonding moment for us.”

Brandon juggles working a full-time job and managing the business’s front end. He helps Briley navigate the sometimes tricky world of client communication. Over time, the family has learned much about business ownership, especially patience. 

“This is technically his first job. In a sense, I’m working for a 14-year-old kid. But on the other side, I’ve got to be his manager to show him the ropes.”

Briley’s business is thriving, thanks to the support and dedication of 

his mother, Sasha. Her creative inputs — including fliers, business cards, and apparel — have helped make the business a success.

They pride themselves on their “no cookie-cutter” window policy. They don’t just show up, spray, and squeegee. They take the time to understand the specific needs of each window and the property. For example, if delicate screens are involved, they’ll use a special soft brush attachment, catering to each customer’s window cleaning needs. 

Their vision for Pristine Panes’ future is growth, as Briley dreams of expanding its services beyond window cleaning. He envisions offering gutter cleaning and perhaps even power washing services for driveways and patios. Brandon sees potential in winterizing their services with soft washing — a gentler alternative to pressure washing that uses eco-friendly cleansers to remove dirt, mold, and mildew.

But through it all, there’s a deeper purpose at play. Brandon wants Briley to understand the power of perseverance. 

“I want him to realize that he is breaking the mold for a generation through simple determination,” Brandon expressed. “He can do anything as long as he’s dedicated, and he believes that he can do it. He has somebody that’s got his back and will make sure that things are laid out for him and his job.”

The family gives glory to God for their successful and impactful business endeavors. 

Brandon said, “Without Him, this wouldn’t truly be possible.” GN

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