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A left handed guy in a right handed world.

by | Dec 2022

There are two kinds of people in life, according to Manchester resident Jeffery Russo; those who return their shopping cart and those who do not.

That simple act of kindness is something that Russo feels tells a lot about a person’s character. Russo is all about acts of kindness or offering a friendly word to his fellow man. He doesn’t do it for the honor, the glory, or the recognition; he does it because it’s an opportunity for him to show what God has done in his life.

Some Manchester residents may know Russo by his rainbow-colored Toyota Prius — known as the “art car” — that he sports around town. Others will know him as a staple of sorts at the Common John Brewing Co. where he not only hangs out but also helps out when he can. He has a one-of-a-kind look about him that includes brightly colored clothes and long dreaded hair that he often sports with an oversized newsboy cap. Oftentimes, his unique style will bring looks and questions from others. But Russo doesn’t mind; in fact, he invites it. It’s an opportunity to share his faith with them and leave them better than when he found them.

“I like to live, have fun, do Legos, drink beer, hug people, go to concerts, and help out anywhere I can,” he said.

Photographed by Ashleigh Newnes.

Russo is not from Manchester. When asked, he will tell you he is from everywhere, which is true. Born in Connecticut, Russo would find himself taking the one-hour train ride to New York, where he said he loved being immersed in all of the different cultures. At 28 years old, he packed up and moved across the country for a new adventure in Portland. He would take a position as a merchandiser for the multinational clothing company H&M.

The job would take him around the country and finally land him in Tennessee, where he would open a store at Cool Springs Galleria in Franklin.

Upon his arrival in Tennessee, Russo said that he loves The Volunteer State, which reminds him of Portland because of the greenery and the mountains. He added that the company started to change in a way that left Russo deciding it was time for him to also make a change. He then said he was “saved in Tennessee.”

“Honestly, when all of this came about, I looked at God and said, ‘I don’t want it to all be about me; I want to stay humble.’” he explained. “What should I talk about? I’m a Christian, but I don’t look like a typical Christian. They saw my car, my dreads, my clothes, and immediately asked for drugs. While this is a misconception on their part, I decided to see it as an opportunity for me to share the gospel and be kind. An opportunity to show what God has done in my life.”

Photographed by Ashleigh Newnes.

Through social media, he met members of a church in Murfreesboro. Russo said they all quickly became friends, and the rest is history. He began to share his story wherever he could and do acts of kindness whenever possible.

“I try to be what God has been to me,” said Russo.

After moving to Manchester, he would find another place to share an act of kindness and gain a second family, and a second job.

“I used to hang out at the [Common John] brewery all the time, and one day it was super slammed,” he said. “Their dishes were piling up, so I just took it upon myself to go and do the dishes. I was friends with everyone at this point, but they all looked at me when I went back and started to help. It started to happen more and more, and I was happy to help. One day I went to hang out, and after I finished helping with dishes, I went to pay my tab and was told that there was nothing to pay.”

Photographed by Ashleigh Newnes.

After a very friendly argument over the responsibility of the tab, Russo conceded to letting them take care of it in thanks for his service. He also was offered a job at the brewery as well. Common John Brewing Co. owner LeBron Haggard said that Russo is a blessing to those he is around.

“Jeffrey is so uplifting to be around,” he said. “He is always happy and energetic. When there is someone in need, he’s there to help. If he doesn’t have a resource to help, he’ll find one.”

Russo said that his help is always out of love. “I don’t do what I do for expectations in return,” he said. “It’s like my job at Common Johns. I’m not doing this because I know you are going to take money off of my tab. I’m doing this because I love you, and you have a lot of dishes, and I don’t mind.”

Russo said that it is an honor to walk through life showing kindness and sharing his faith. It’s not about changing someone’s mind; it’s about loving them anyway and watching that love change them and everything around them.

“I disagree with a lot of things, but just because I disagree with someone doesn’t mean that I can’t love them or give them the shirt off of my back if they need it,” he said. “Because if I live my life in a certain way, I don’t need to go throwing Bibles at people. They will see it, and they’ll ask me questions. I don’t have to do anything; I just have to live. You can say all day to be kind, but if I don’t show you what being kind looks like, how are people going to know? The importance behind it, whether you’re a Christian or not, does immeasurable good.” GN

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