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Equipping students to flourish after graduation

by | Aug 2022

NOW, MORE than ever, students have endless opportunities to dream, have new experiences, change their minds, and yet still achieve all they have set in their hearts. These opportunities and resources have not come on a whim or without a cost. Significant strategic planning and coordination occur behind the scenes to ensure that Franklin County students are provided with both exposure and experiences in the workforce. When a student leaves the covering, that is our public school system, the goal is that they can go forth with more confidence and clarity than ever before.

One person who plays a significant role in this workforce readiness mission is Suzanne Mitchell, Franklin County’s Career and Technical Education (CTE) director. A director in this role has a mission to “prepare today’s students for tomorrow’s opportunities.” For Mitchell, that looks like supporting teachers in practical ways so teachers can sufficiently support their students. Mitchell says, “Whether that is providing equipment, supplies, or training, I try to make sure teachers have what they need.” Mitchell works closely with the local chamber of commerce, the Franklin County Economic Development Committee, an industrial roundtable group, and local business owners, all in effort to provide introductory and educational experiences for students.

Mitchell shares, “Being in this role is an honor. I love trying to help students find what they want to do in life and help them be successful. Nobody’s pathway has to be the same. Some people want to go to college. Some people know college is not for them and may go to work straight out of high school. I just hope to prepare students for whatever their fit is.”

Helping students figure out their next post-graduation steps starts as early as the eighth grade. Mitchell said, “We purchased a software program called MajorClarity which allows students to take assessments to assist them in discovering their learning style and career interests.” In addition to the software, Mitchell continued, “the middle schools work on career exploration, so students are introduced to the 16 career clusters at an earlier age.” Exposure is key. With basic exposure, students are more prepared to make decisions when they are tasked with selecting courses to study during their high school career, college career, and beyond.

Photographed by Brooke Snyder.

At the high school level, Mitchell shared that students have the option to narrow down their focus to a particular field of study or industry. The specific industry- focused classes offered in the county are as follows: machining, mechatronics, welding, vet sciences, horticulture, agricultural engineering, residential and commercial construction, mechanical and electrical and plumbing systems (MEP), business management, office management, accounting, cosmetology, cyber security, criminal justice, automotive maintenance, automotive collision repair, emergency services, sports and human performance, medical therapeutics, and nursing education, audio-visual production, and Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM).

In addition to the introductory exposure received while taking the previously mentioned courses, students in Franklin County have been afforded the privilege of engaging in work-based learning. This is achieved by doing hands-on work within their chosen field of study. For example, a student within the health science program could wind up spending school time inside a hospital, pharmacy, or local nursing home gaining real-life exposure. Mitchell shared, “Eligible students have specific hours they do at the hospital. This time allows them to rotate through different areas of the hospital to see the different careers, talk to other medical professionals there and find out how they got there, what licenses and certificates they would need, and how to make that dream happen for themselves.”

There are other unique opportunities for students outside of the work-based learning program. Mitchell shared, “We work hard to offer more possibilities like industry certifications and [Early Postsecondary Opportunities] EPSOs, including dual enrollment. Opportunities like these give students a chance to obtain postsecondary credit and professional certifications while still in high school. This year, we had many students obtain industry certifications for [Certified Nursing Assistant] CNA, [Occupational Safety and Health Administration] OSHA, OSHA 10, American Welding Society, [National Center for Construction Education and Research] NCCER, and [Microsoft Office Specialist] MOS. We also had four students obtain a certificate in Adobe Photoshop.”

Mitchell shared, “Regarding dual enrollment, we work with Motlow and [Tennessee College of Applied Technology] TCAT. This year, Franklin County had 12 students participate in dual enrollment with TCAT, meaning they spent half of their day for the entire school year at TCAT.” Many students who take advantage of statewide dual credit classes can obtain credit in any state college if they pass the test at the end of the year.

These work-based learning opportunities are made possible by partnerships with local businesses, schools, and organizations. Below are some examples of how our community has contributed in the past and can continue supporting Mitchell in her role as CTE director. Community members can offer feedback while serving as judges of prepared speeches, extemporaneous speeches, or any other classroom competition. Business professionals can conduct mock interviews, give industry tours, or be guest speakers. Additionally, if anyone has a business and is looking to hire students, they can participate in the school’s work-based learning placement program and job fair.

All in all, Mitchell’s efforts, seen and unseen, are done in hopes of equipping students for meaningful and successful careers. While most of Mitchell’s time is spent separate from students, her duties as the Franklin County CTE director directly and significantly impacted students across our county. Sometimes it only takes one word, experience, or person to give students the courage to spring forth into their destiny. For many adolescents in the Franklin County School System, that launching pad has been provided directly by the efforts of Mitchell. GN

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