With the morning sun and the center’s associates peeking over their shoulders, the senior adults gathered at the tables work intently on the day’s craft project. Their conversation is lively, punctuated with laughter, paint brushes pausing in mid-air as they stop their work to compliment their neighbor. They’ve become fast friends, enjoying the routine and the variety every visit offers.
It’s different than the days before they found Gracefully Aging. There were long days with little social interaction, occasional missed meals and medications, and few options for passing time. Every day felt the same.
Some live with family, and others live alone or with their spouses. Caregivers want the best for them but often have limited resources or are unaware of options for assistance. Many adult children care for their children and aging parents, sandwiched between generations. They have jobs and other responsibilities. They need time to take care of personal matters, take a break to renew their energy or go to work. They need adult day care services.
According to aginginplace.org, adult day care centers serve over 260,000 individuals in the United States with an average age of 72. About two-thirds of the participants are women. The programs offer social interaction, caregiver respite, health monitoring, and cognitive stimulation and are often a stepping stone before assisted living or skilled nursing care. Many are pleasantly surprised by the costs.
Gracefully Aging’s management and associates play an integral role in their clients’ lives, often becoming like family as time progresses. They celebrate holidays, birthdays, and milestones together, mutually improving the quality of life for everyone involved. It’s not just a service; it’s a partnership pulling together toward a common support goal.
Located just across the state line in Hazel Green, Alabama, it’s a short drive. Lashawna Springer, the founder and CEO of Gracefully Aging, said, “Our services support the Lincoln County area as we are a lifeline for seniors and their families. We understand there aren’t many adult day programs in the county for seniors and want to provide caregivers a well-deserved break. Our center provides support that enhances the quality of life for the geriatric population. At our center, we offer seniors a place to feel independent, valued, engaged, and safe.”

Holley Crumbley, a lifelong resident of Lincoln County and a Gracefully Aging client support specialist, agrees and sees the county’s support for the center’s work growing daily.
“Our work touches the lives of so many in the Hazel Green Community, as well as Lincoln County. Our friends in Fayetteville are greatly appreciated when they show up with donated bingo prizes, as we do a bingo once a month. We have recently had more Lincoln County residents fill up our bingo events and more Lincoln County residents interested in coming to Gracefully Aging …” she shared. “Recently, we had a sweet lady donate beautiful flowers from a wedding, and we enjoyed them so much. We have had a lady stop by and drop off over 100 books, and our clients could not have been more excited to have new reading material at the center. Things like this from surrounding communities are what let us know that we make an impact.”
Crumbley’s heart for Gracefully Aging clients stems from her personal experiences growing up with aging grandparents with dementia and Parkinson’s disease. Watching her parents care for them and eventually assisting them prepared her for her current position. She plans arts and crafts, organizes games, leads exercises, and contributes to one-on-one support.
“The most rewarding aspect for me is watching our clients regain strength and confidence in themselves, as well as watching the amazing friendships they make with each other,” Crumbley said.
Springer commented, “Holly is a warm, kind-hearted person. She wears her heart on her sleeves and genuinely cares for and respects our clients.”
A day at Gracefully Aging unfolds with a comforting blend of structure and flexibility. Clients arrive throughout the morning, greeted by the aroma of fresh coffee and warm smiles from the staff. The day’s rhythm includes gentle exercise sessions, engaging activities like crafts or games, and ample time for socializing with meals and snacks woven throughout the day, ensuring proper nutrition. There’s always time for rest, with some seniors napping while others relax watching favorite shows like “The Price is Right” or classic Westerns. Throughout it all, the staff remains attentive to each client’s needs and preferences, fostering an environment where seniors can genuinely thrive.

There’s a growing need for adult day care.
Crumbley said, “I have noticed that senior care tends to be in high demand. We are that happy medium when they are not ready for assisted living or a nursing home, but they are worried or bored being at home by themselves all day, or even their children or caretakers just need a break occasionally. That is what makes our drop-in program, Brighter Days, such a great thing. Brighter Days offers 3 hours of engagement, games, one-on-one, and tons of fun, costing the family $60. The program offers sessions from 8-11 a.m. and 1-4 p.m.”
Crumbley’s inside look and work in the adult day care program changed her perspective on her future.
“It has made me less afraid of getting older. I see how much fun they have and how positive they are about it, and it kind of prepares me for my aging,” she said. “It has shown me how much small businesses and companies rely on their communities; without their support, we would not even have the clients we have.”
Gracefully Aging embodies a vibrant community where seniors find companionship and purpose. Each day brings laughter, shared activities, and the chance to forge lasting friendships. As Crumbley noted, the center transforms the view on aging, replacing apprehension with joy and connection, and fosters an environment where seniors thrive. GN