HAVE YOU ever experienced the kindness of a stranger at just the right time? Barely hanging on, something as simple as a genuine compliment could send tears streaming down your face in an instance. Have you ever worked, strived, or fought as hard as you could, yet still when it was time to bring out the measuring stick you came up short? The feeling of lack surrounds itself with its partners in crime: stress, discomfort, pain, sadness, hunger, and defeat. Do these feelings sound more than familiar to you? If so, odds are you have experienced genuine need or struggle. Heck, you may even be experiencing a significant deficit right now. The climb out can feel weighty, suffocating, and lonely. But don’t give up yet friend; Good News is on the horizon!
Imagine a day where you could walk down the street and get a tasty lunch and even a stylish haircut, free of charge. You could see a dentist or a doctor without worrying about medical bills or health insurance coverages. Stroll through racks and racks of clothing and not take the first peep at a price tag. Could you imagine it? The ease. The relief. What a gift that would be. Well, here as promised, is the Good News– there is a day of that proportion that exists here in Franklin County!
Franklin County’s One Day Community Outreach first found its backing in late December 2013. Members of the Southern Tennessee Christian Medical and Dental Association wanted to do an outreach where they gave away their services for a full day. They hoped to be the hands and feet of Jesus and share His love for others. The group set up a meeting and invited many community leaders, including the mayor and city administrator. MC Luttrell was working as the finance director of the city at the time. When both the mayor and city administrator expressed they were unable to attend the meeting, they asked Luttrell if she would go in their place. Unbeknown to the meeting host, Luttrell had seen a nearby community host a similar outreach event and had been praying for God to make a way here in Franklin County. Prior to arriving, Luttrell thought the meeting was simply about a health fair. When she got there and heard the first few statements spoken, she excitedly thought, “Oh! Yay! God sent me here! I’m here for a reason!” Since that day, Luttrell and countless other individuals, non-profits, churches, businesses, and municipal agencies have worked together to host an annual outreach day each year!
The 9th annual Community Outreach Day will be held on May 14, 2022, across the church campuses of Winchester First Baptist Church and First United Methodist Church. Registration will begin at 9 a.m. at 100 S. Jefferson Street. Everything at the event is entirely free. Whether guests come for food and clothing distribution only, or come and receive every available service, there is no charge. Services include medical and dental screenings, eye exams, mammograms, chiropractic adjustments, haircuts, family photos by a professional photographer, and more. Additionally, there will be numerous non-profit organizations present. Those organizations will provide contact information to individuals that may need help during the other 364 days of the year. -GN