THE TEST of history has proven that women have been foundational, like a sturdy rock that can withstand a storm. They overcame obstacles century after century, constantly adapting to the needs of the world while — for many years — receiving little to no recognition. Eventually, they protested and made political maneuvers to earn the right to vote and catch up to other American citizens. They were not the first or last group of people to have to fight for rights, but they won nevertheless.
When I think of women, I think of bravery, determination, compassion, comfort, and strength. I could list a million different words to describe the power women have and deserve, but they all mean the same thing: a role model.
Because of women, we have many things that make our lives better. Because of them, we have experienced the first fire escapes, bullet-proof fiber, word processing technology, and the first computer algorithm, to name a few.
Another thing that has made my life better is the opportunity to create this magazine in your hands. Women write our stories, conduct our interviews, take our photos, edit our words, proof our words, design our pages, and manage the complex process of getting an idea on paper and mailed to your home. If you’re like me, this is a blessing that I never knew I needed but am forever indebted for having.
This issue celebrates women in our community. We are thankful and appreciate everything you do to make our lives better, our homes safer, and our world brighter.
Thank you. GN