JUST OVER 100 years ago, women finally received what other Americans, but not all, already had — the right to vote. Now, we have the opportunity to lift up and celebrate the groundbreaking women around us during Women’s History Month. From teachers, activists, scientists, athletes, doctors, entrepreneurs, and more — women bring with them ambition, intelligence, creativity, and resilience that will be essential for our future. Their presence in the workforce and leadership can also provide chances for other motivated individuals to rise up into positions they may not otherwise have access to.
We must celebrate the outstanding accomplishments of these incredible women in order to build a better future. It’s important to remember that empowerment is a collective effort that starts with us. Let us use this moment in history as an opportunity to honor women for their strength, bravery, and determination — for without them, the world would be far less vibrant. We can draw strength from one another and continue to make progress toward a better Franklin County because of these women. GN