JIM RYUN said, “Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.”
The Bank of Lincoln County (BOLC) motivates Lincoln County students with School Bank, its student savings program, which enables students to create a habit of saving.
Gay Dempsey oversees the BOLC program and said, “We know firsthand the importance of saving, whether for a large purchase like a car or home, but also for those unplanned purchases like new tires or a refrigerator. If we can begin the habit of saving at an early age, we will be more likely to continue saving in our adult lives.”
The student response since the program’s inception in 2011 has been rewarding, both to the students and BOLC employees that assist them. The bank helps further motivate the students to save by giving them a chance to spin the wheel and add to their deposit or win other prizes.

Once a week at each school, before the school bell rings in the morning, you’ll find K-5 students holding child-sized bank bags waiting excitedly for their time with the “bank lady” (or gentleman). Handing over their deposit and savings booklet, the students eagerly spin the wheel and see how much more their deposit will increase. As a bonus, the BOLC mascot, Iggy, is sometimes present to cheer them on.
“They spin [the wheel] and land on anything from 50 cents to $5, and the bank will add the additional amount to their deposit. It’s fun to see them get excited. Some will bring in checks, maybe a birthday or Christmas gift they received, or they’ll bring in coins or any amount of money. There is no minimum deposit amount,” said Dempsey.
Upping the ante are Super Saver Awards for students with the most deposits during the year. Basing it on the number of transactions instead of the total deposits focuses on rewarding the habit of saving.
Dempsey said, “Our passion for children and our community is to try and instill in them the habit of saving money because that will benefit them their whole life.”

Students can open an account at any of the seven participating schools at any time during the school year, and every student can participate. No matter the financial situation at home, the school bank program welcomes the smallest deposit.
Dempsey said, “Our staff volunteers their time to get up early and be at the schools by 7:15 a.m. each week to bring the bank to the schools and receive the students’ deposits. It is truly a blessing to get to know the students and celebrate their savings success stories and their other achievements at school.”
Kelsie Repasky with BOLC said, “I think starting at a young age and making it exciting for them to save teaches them that it can be a good thing; it can be fun, and it can be an exciting thing. I feel like we can help build a solid foundation for their futures.”
Building a solid foundation for students’ futures — what a great investment! GN