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Bedford County Pink Ribbon Fund

by | Oct 2021

2021 PINK RIBBON WALK: October 16

Join Bedford County Pink Ribbon Fund for the 2021 Pink Ribbon Walk (as a team or as an individual) You can register online to help women in the Bedford County area.

2021 LET’S ROCKOctober 16

Running or walking not your thing? That’s okay! Join the Bedford County Pink Ribbon Fund. To date they have allocated $120,000 in support to Bedford County residents battling breast cancer.

Go to: to register and find more info.

MISSION: The Mission of the Bedford County Pink Ribbon Fund is to support breast cancer patients/survivors, along with their families and friends, in their battle against breast cancer in the Bedford County region.

WHO IS BEDFORD COUNTY PINK RIBBON FUND? The chairperson Dr. Katherine Erlichman (a two-time breast cancer survivor) and the innovative board leads the Bedford County Pink Ribbon Fund. It is a fund formed through the Bedford County Endowments/Community Foundation for the Alleghenies. They are committed to improving the quality of life in the Bedford County region. Numerous support opportunities are available to breast cancer patients/survivors, such as financial support, chemotherapy comfort care kits, wig/beauty consultations, volunteer drivers to doctor/treatment appointments and a monthly Breast Cancer Support Group meeting. -GN

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Tailgate Like a Champion

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Letter From the Editor: Savoring the Summer Delights


THE MERRIAM-WEBSTER dictionary defines the word selfless as “someone who has no concern for self, or unselfish.” As the world keeps turning, it may feel like selfless people are few and far between....

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Tailgate Like a Champion

In the spirit of selflessness

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Breakfast at Ruth’s

Breakfast at Ruth’s

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Tailgate Like a Champion

Do bunnies lay eggs?

Easter parades may have passed on by, but its many other traditions are alive and well. Even though the internet has changed how we watch movies, families still watch “The Ten Commandments” every...

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Tailgate Like a Champion

When empty is full

AS MORNING’S first light nudged the last of the darkness, Mary Magdalene walked with heavy heart and feet along the dirt road. The garden’s birdsong and fragrant blossoms, usually welcomed,...

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The Homes of Hope Organization

The Homes of Hope Organization

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Best for All District Award

Best for All District Award

ON FEBRUARY 11, the Tennessee Department of Education awarded Bedford County School District the Best for All District Award. Bedford County School District is one of 68 districts to receive the...

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Fourth Fridays with a flair

Fourth Fridays with a flair

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Faith – Homesick Hearts

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Recipes – Date Night Dinner

Recipes – Date Night Dinner

Salmon Steaks with Wine Sauce: SUBMITTED BY MARY INMAN Ingredients- 4 salmon steaks, 4 oz., fresh or frozen1 T. margarine1 T. cornstarch 1/2 t. instant chicken bouillon granulesdash of white pepper1...

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Remembering the Dream

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Tailgate Like a Champion

Faith – New Every Morning

Nullam vestibulum eget orci ac dignissim. Mauris aliquet aliquet magna sit amet bibendum. Nulla sit amet risus at sem sollicitudin tempus. Etiam massa neque, auctor at diam vitae, varius bibendum...

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Tailgate Like a Champion

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Tailgate Like a Champion

Recipes – Summer Salads

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