IT MIGHT be one of the most exciting yet stressful times of the year, rivaling that of Christmas. It requires preparation, planning, logistics, time, and money. I’m almost sure there are military operations that have been executed with less strategic maneuvering than prepping for the daunting task of going back to school.
It’s a bittersweet time for parents. While we are glad to see our continuously hungry and bored children get back to a routine and having something to do, it is left up to us to get them back to such.
This can be a bit of a challenge if not properly prepared for. So the real question is, how does one go about preparing for the return to school? For those ready to conquer such, read on.
While it may be tempting to let them sleep in or stay up late the day before school, getting the right amount of sleep is important. According to the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, the recommended sleep times for school-age children are 10 to 13 hours each night for 5-year-olds, nine to 12 hours each night for 6 to 12-year-olds, and at least eight hours each night for kids 13 years old and older.
From a morning shower, to packing a lunch, to getting to the bus stop on time, make sure both you and your kiddos know what needs to be done before heading out the door and how long it will take each morning.
Avoid frantic mornings by having your child choose what he or she will wear, the night before. If you have a younger child, let him or her pick from a couple of different options. Get into a routine of doing this even before school starts so your child is in the habit of planning ahead.
Take your child shopping to get the year off to a successful start. This includes shopping for school supplies and clothes. Don’t forget to make an appointment with your favorite barber or stylist. A new cut, outfit, and backpack will get your child thinking and maybe excited about the upcoming school year.
Helping parents acquire the goods and services that will be needed for the return to school are the following local businesses. They are open for business and ready to help both students and parents make those essential purchases that will ensure a successful return to school. GN